The length of the route about 300 MN

9 - 15.08.2022r.

DOUBLEHANDED group riders are invited to race intensively on varied routes.

On Tuesday 09/08/2022. 

Welcome to Swinoujscie

for the start of the regatta with a DOUBLEHANDED route


20:00 - crew briefing

Wednesday 10/08/2022.

Race day - one long race is planned

Start in Swinoujscie near buoy K05 

Meta Dziwnow near the DZ buoy ,

The route is being developed in 2 variants of length and complexity.

Depending on weather conditions, a route variant will be announced.

route preview variant 1


route details variant 1


Start near buoy "K 05" starboard cardinal buoy South YSTAD
Starboard Borholm
Left Christianso
Starboard Island Utklipan
Meta area DZI buoys Dziwnów
route preview variant 2


Start near buoy "K 05" starboard cardinal buoy South YSTAD
Starboard Borholm
Left Christianso
Meta area DZI buoys Dziwnów

Sunday 14.08.2022r.

In the evening, the Awards Gala - a social event.

Monday 15.08.2022r.

Farewell to yachts

other routes
